In Memoriam
Albert Louis Stein, Q.C. (1908-2001)
Founding partner of Stein & Stein
A member of the Bar of Montreal and the Bar of Quebec since 1934, Albert Louis Stein built a successful practice that included civil and commercial litigation, and labour law. He was considered a pioneer in the negotiation of collective agreements - representing the Montreal Dress Manufacturers' Guild, the Joint Committee of the Dress Industry, for the Province of Quebec and the Millinery Manufacturers' Association. Frequently defending individuals in legal disputes against more powerful insurance companies, transit commissions and corporations, A.L. also represented numerous Jehovah's Witnesses when their civil rights were violated during the Duplessis era. Known as one of the greatest human rights cases in Canadian legal history, A.L.'s cause célèbre was the Supreme Court of Canada case of Roncarelli v. Duplessis, [1959] S.C.R. 121, 16 D.L.R. (2d) 689. Through this case, A.L. and Professor Frank Scott affirmed that no one is above the law and that everyone - including the Premier of the Province of Quebec - would be held accountable for their abuse of power.
In September of 1997, the following words were spoken at the ceremony in which Albert L. Stein received the Médaille du Barreau de Montreal: "The rule of law is the foundation of the freedoms which mark our society. It is synonymous with the concept of equality before the law. These are concepts that we normally take for granted - just as we assume that persons in authority will exercise their authority within the confines of the law for the purposes for which it was granted to them. When they overstep this line, when they attempt to impose their will on a weaker citizen, one hopes that somebody will stand up and take up the defence of the unfortunate. We are only justified in so hoping if we can show that, at times, some have taken a stand to defeat the abuse of power - even under the most unfavourable circumstances.
The Bar of Montreal has the great honour to count amongst its members a lawyer who fought for a fundamental right: the freedom to practice the religion of one's choice. Not only did he fight against the most powerful forces that this Province could muster; he won. The case of Roncarelli vs. Duplessis remains to this day a cornerstone of our jurisprudence. By granting Mtre A.L. Stein, Q.C., the Montreal Bar Medal, we wish to remind everyone, and primarily ourselves, that it is the true nature of a lawyer's work to defend all those who need to be defended. Mr. Stein's achievement in that respect deserves recognition."
Samuel Stein, Q.C. (1912-2006)
Founding partner of Stein & Stein
A member of the Bar of Montreal, the Bar of Quebec since 1936, Samuel Stein received his Queen's Council appointment in June 1962. With a practice that included commercial, corporate and real estate law, he was involved in the financing and structuring of numerous real estate ventures and actively participated in and successfully managed and financed many of these ventures. In 1996, the Bar of Montreal honoured Mr. Stein in recognition of more than sixty years of distinguished practice - recognizing him again in 2006 for seventy years of valued contributions.
Gifted in his ability to negotiate fair and equitable agreements and settlements in respect of the most complex legal issues, Samuel Stein was greatly appreciated by his clients and colleagues and was a mentor and friend to the lawyers and staff who worked with him for so many years.